Description: Collect green stuff, avoid red guys. Easy as pie, right? Not even your speedhacks will help you here! You might have to take a closer look and inspect it carefully. Have fun & good luck! The flag does not conform with the default regex. Public files

Author: Moritz Thomas|NVISO

The challenge gives us two Unity game files, one for Windows and one for Linux. Let's unpack it and run the Windows one to see what happens.


This game will test your reaction time, skills and patience.



Q&A: Q: "Is it even possible to beat this?" A: "No, lol"

Got it, an impossible game where you avoid stuff. Can't be that hard right?


One minute in and the game is already roasting me, great! Let's hack2win.

The game is pretty simple, you're driving a car and red stuff comes at you and the goal is to avoid them while collecting the green stuff.

When we collect the green stuff we can see at the bottom that a flag gets filled in


Obviously it's not that simple. You need to hit a green piece to get a single character of the flag, and that's impossible without cheating since there are too many enemies. I've used countless of my brain cells to make the game easier. I first wanted to reverse the GameAssembly.dll that was given to us using dnSpy, but there was one problem...